Media & Mental Health Info



Blue world

Depression is more than just sadness, and often impairs daily functioning to such an extent that the individual can be a danger to himself.

FEELING “blue”, down or sad from time to time is normal and a part of life. Everyone has their good days and bad days, which elicit associated emotions and affect our mood...


[Read Full Article - The Star Online]




[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3]

Eve's Diary 夏娃记事本

Subject: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

[Full Video]



Part 1: 孌童癖先天還是後天?

Part 2: 涉性罪犯資料庫可行嗎?

Part 3: 法令足以對付性罪犯?

Part 4: 如何教導小孩防範?

Part 5: 對孩童身體有興趣不正常?

Part 6: “化學閹割”可對付強姦犯?

Part 7: 兒童保護中心不完善?

[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7]

Paedophiles don’t always act out urges, psychiatrist says

“Some did not act on their arousal, some never abused children before,” Dr Ng said at the talk at University Malaya Medical Centre here.


[Read Full Article - MalayMail Online]


Akta lebih ketat, senaraikan pesalah seks tangani rogol kanak-kanak, gesa aktivis

Kematian bayi yang dilahirkan seorang gadis berusia 11 tahun minggu ini membangkitkan gesaan aktivis terhadap pihak berkuasa untuk menubuhkan daftar pesalah seks sebagai permulaan kepada undang-undang yang lebih ketat bagi menangani isu pedofilia dan rogol kanak-kanak


[Read Full Article - The Malaysian Insider]





[Read Full Article - 星洲网]



現代人面對生活壓力,越來越多人患“躁鬱症”(Bipolar Moo dDisorder),而近年也有不少藝人包括香港歌星陳奕迅及本地藝人莊惟翔,都承認自己曾患上躁鬱症。


[Read Full Article - 星洲网]


Is your child mentally healthy?

The most common mental disorder found among children is ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is not a disability. Rather, it is a disorder that affects the child's ability to pay attention and stay focused on tasks for sustained amounts of time.


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面對罪案,人們為何有時候會幫忙,有時候卻默默走過?馬大心理醫學專科副教授黃章元說­,面對罪案時不伸出援手是“普通現象”,皆因人會被“旁觀者現象”(by-stand­er effect)所影響。何謂“旁觀者現象”?

Part 1: 面對罪案幫忙不幫忙?

Part 2: 媒體該不該報導綁架案?

Part 3: 社會越來越冷漠?

Part 4: 抵抗罪案誰的責任?

Part 5: 網民分享 好心做壞事?

[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5]


每个人都会面对死亡,无论医学再如何昌明都会有它的极限。在明白到这个道理后,医学上才会出现“临终照顾”(Palliative Care)的专门学科,在里面有清楚的分析及讲解面对死亡来临的情绪及心理转变,以及旁人如何协助病者“好走”。


[Read Full Article - 星洲网]


心疾难愈流浪30多年 老翁盼有落脚处


[Read Full Article - Youtube]